ABOUT Bryce Derick
Born in USA, 2001
2019-2025 Studied at Savannah College of Art & Design, Atlanta GA
Hello, My name is Bryce Derick and I am a photographer from New York. I have loved photography from such a young age but never really got into until recently. I have been working on my craft and getting better each day. I have also grown up a big sports fan enjoying every sport. I am hoping to get a job shooting for a professional sports team in the future. Saying this I still do other types of photography from shooting nature and even some portraits.
I have also studied interior design which my family has a large background in. In my time at SCAD I also got a minor in Interior Design which I am planing to use though my life and for my career as well.

Contact Information
9517 Manley Mill RD. Lindley , NY 14858
607.742.9659 / 607.742.8500
Email: Brycederickruns@gmail.com
Resume- https://www.dropbox.com/home/Bryce%20Derick/Resume?preview=Resume.pdf